In October of 1998 our Founding Head Administrator and owner of Island, Wilbo, left to pursue other things, and we thought it was the end of Island. Instead of letting Island sink into the ocean, we pulled together and Ladida took charge as our new owner and Head Admin. With help from the other staffers and new coder Nib, we put Island back together. The staff and residents are devoted to making Island the best talker on the net (oh, it is...come and see!). Island can be many things to those who come here. It can be just a form of entertainment, a place to go for advice or to get things off your chest, and a loving home on the net for people of all ages.
In 2002, Ladida stepped down from her position and handed the talker over to Hex. We will miss you Ladi!
Please sign our Guestbookand connect to us, we would love to see you there!
News: |
Our Coder, Tonhe, is on a temporary
Island Break. He has |
MORA! She's Back! |