The staff would like to welcome you to Island. If you are already a resident, chances are you know us rather well.
If you're new to Island, we're the folks that can give you residency and show you around the place.
Most of the residents know Island well, and can answer your questions if no staffers are on.

Here are the current staffers and ranks:

Head Director/HCadmin: Hex (HardCoded, SiteAdmin, Spod, Elder, Head Minister, Builder, Creator)
Directors: LuKa (Spod, Elder, WebMaster, Minister, Head Builder, Creator)
Monkey (Spod, Elder, Minister, Builder, Creator)
Coder: Tonhe (Head Coder) (SiteAdmin, Spod, Elder,Minister, Builder, Creator)
Madrory (SiteAdmin)
Administrators: MoRa (Spod, Original WebMaster, Builder)
Rastarra (Spod, Elder, Minister, Creator)
Sharpy (Spod)
Lower Admins: Cornflake (Spod, Elder, Minister, Creator)
CaLiCo (Spod)
Danielle (Spod, Builder)
KenOhki (Spod)

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